BATAMCLICK.COM: The Chairperson of the PMI 2024 Fundraising Campaign and Secretary of Batam City, Jefridin, M.Pd., received donations from various religious organizations in Batam. The contributions came from the Ikatan Persaudaraan Imam Masjid (IPIM), Persaudaraan Mubaligh Batam (PMB), Badan Musyawarah Guru Al Qur’an (BMGQ), and Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (Baznas) Batam City.
These donations were then handed over to Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Batam as part of the PMI 2024 Fundraising Month.
“Today, together with the treasurer of Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Batam, we received a total of Rp111 million in donations collected from IPIM, PMB, BMGQ, and Baznas Batam. Thank you very much to everyone who has participated in this humanitarian effort,” Jefridin said during a meeting at the Batam City Government Office, Friday (17/01/2025).
Jefridin also revealed that there is still time for Batam residents to contribute to the PMI 2024 Fundraising Month. According to the Batam Mayor’s Circular No. 30 of 2024, the fundraising will run from October 14, 2024, to January 31, 2025.
“I urge all Batam citizens to participate in this humanitarian action. The funds raised will be used to manage the blood supply at PMI and for other humanitarian needs. Let’s support this together by donating,” he encouraged.
For the PMI 2024 Fundraising, the target amount is set at Rp2 billion. Meanwhile, during the PMI Fundraising Month in 2023, Rp1.8 billion was collected. Jefridin hopes that this year, the Batam community will be even more enthusiastic about donating, so that the total amount raised exceeds the target.
“Anyone can participate in this action. PMI Batam also provides bank account numbers for those who wish to donate part of their blessings. As the Chairperson of PMI Batam, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the participation of all Batam citizens who have donated,” he added.
Donations can be made through the following bank accounts:
- Bank BCA: 8335371000 (a.n Palang Merah Indonesia Batam)
- Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI): 7714440351 (a.n PMI Kota Batam)
- Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI): 1262621783 (a.n PMI Kota Batam)
- Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI): 211701000544566 (a.n PMI Kota Batam)
- Bank Riau Kepri Syariah: 1061100033 (a.n Donasi PMI Kota Batam)
Let’s come together to make this humanitarian action a reality and help those in need. (*)